We keep our dues as low as possible to keep our men’s groups accessible to guys who need them. That being said, our organization has operating costs (like any other). We wish things could be free, but we have bills just like you.
We have a website. We run ads and write content to recruit guys for our groups. We have 12 staff that manage all of the membership queries and requests. We pay trained facilitators to host group meetings and curate our discussion areas.
We use a number of paid online tools to help deliver our service including
Mighty Networks (community discussion area),
Active campaign (email reminders),
Twillio (meeting text reminders),
Loom (video recordings),
Vimeo (videos in our members area)
Zoom (meeting software)
Gsuite (all of our documents)
And a lot more.
Does that seem fair? Would love to hear your thoughts.
Have any other questions?
If not, go grab a spot here and we can get started: https://mensgroup.com/groups/
Hope to match you with a great group,