Here are our community rules. We will offer warnings to members who don't respect the rules. If not respected multiple times, we will remove the member.
1. 100% Confidentiality
Our members need to feel that conversations they have won't leave the room. We take our confidentiality very seriously. Nothing that is said or who was in attendance can not leave the confines of
2. Male Members Only
Men's Group is supportive of women and the TQ communities. That being said, our primary role here is to create a safe space for men to share their sensitive matters. While we wish it weren't so, most men have a more difficult time opening up in front of women. We have decided to not fight biology and roll with this. MensGroup is a community for men only. This is not a public forum like social media. The message board and meetings are only for men who have filled out their profiles and committed to being a part of MG. The posts are highly moderated, and posts that do not reflect the personal growth goals of MG are removed.
3. Don't Tell People What To Do
Not only does it make people close down when you tell them what to do, it's also not your place. They're on their own journey. The best that you can do is just share "I" statements. Avoid the words "should", "would" and "could". Instead say something along the lines of "This is what I did. This is what I learned."
4. Keep Things Concise
On our group meetings, and even in the discussions in our forum, people respect individuals who are to-the-point. Be Concise. Don't ramble. Not only is it a less attractive communication style, it also burns other's time. Be considerate. Keep things concise.
5. Questions & Resource Sharing Only
This is the place to ask questions, get answers or find/share helpful resources. We do NOT allow memes, rants, long-form opinions, sexual solicitations or links to anything you’ve created. Anything else will be deleted unless it's in the appropriate topics: general banter or personal interests & hobbies. Self-promotion, spam, random memes, and irrelevant links aren't allowed. We're not trying to be rigid here. We aim to keep our discussion areas and meetings high quality.
6. Be Kind and Courteous
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, pushing back is cool, contradictory replies are encouraged but kindness is mandatory.
7. No Opinions On Polarizing Topics: Religion, Politics, Sexual Preferences Etc.
We are not a forum to share your opinions on such as politics, sexual preferences or religion. You want to debate or defend your point of view. Do that on your own time!
8. No Self Promotion
We don't care if you think you have an episode of your podcast that you think is relevant. If everyone posted links to their own content/media, that's all our community discussion area would be. To keep the quality of our discussions high, there is no self-promotion allowed in our forums, meetings or community platform.
9. No Trolling For Sexual Interactions
MensGroup is LGBTQ friendly. We have lots of gay members. They talk about their sex lives. That's cool. However, trolling the message forums, sending DMs or making comments in meetings of an inappropriate nature are not tolerated in MensGroup. This isn't a dating site. We're here to focus on personal growth and friendships. (Please note: if romantic relationships were to organically develop through MensGroup, that's great! It's the uncalibrated outreach and sexual solicitation that is the problem).
10. MensGroup has the right to delete any content you have posted and/or remove you from MensGroup
We've only had to do it a handful of times over the years, but we take the quality of our community seriously. If a member continues to break the above rules after being warned, we will remove him from our community. His membership will be terminated and he will not be welcome back.
We too also have to remove content from time to time if it doesn't fit in with the community rules outlined above or is in any way determined to be damaging to our community culture.
If you have any feedback on our rules, please send us an email!