We have drop in meetings on all days and times throughout the week:
- support groups,
- topic-specific groups and
- social hang outs.
Drop In Meeting Format
The meeting format is simple. You show up to the meeting on Zoom. The host - typically a trained MensGroup facilitator - will welcome you in.
The guys will banter for 5 mins while other guys join. There may be 3 or 4 guys on the meeting or there may be 10-12, depending on how popular a meeting is.
At 5 mins after the hour, we'll go around the circle and ask each guy to share:
- Your name?
- Where you are?
- What brought you to this meeting?
Once you are done your intro, the facilitator will then ask you if there's a particular question or topic you'd like to discuss with the guys.Some guys choose to not bring up a topic. Other's have something pressing they would like to get feedback on.
We then spend the rest of the meeting (the remainign 1.5 hrs) talking about those topics that were brought up by you and the other guys.
*The exception to this format is for our social meetings where we do get an intro from each guy, but let the conversations free-flow from there.
How Do You Access The Meetings?
You can access the meetings from the events page of our community hub (app):
The Zoom meeting link will be on the event details page:
Aside from our "Events" page on our community hub, we also have a weekly newsletter and member-only calendar that display the upcoming drop-in meetings you can attend.
Using Zoom For Our Meetings
You need a Zoom account to be able to access the meeting, but you don't need to have the Zoom software downloaded. You can access the meeting from a web browser if needed.
New to Zoom? Check out our MensGroup guide to Zoom here: https://mensgroup.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/66000479772
For any technical issues with Zoom, go here: